Software Development
ZeroIn Software’s technological expertise encourages our clients’ competitive ability and capitalizes on the challenges of today in order to create opportunities for tomorrow. We have recognized wide-ranging expertise and strong skills in all key Java technologies, frameworks and libraries.

Test Automation
Automated testing and quality assurance services are among our key competencies. Test automation is the best way to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and coverage of your software testing. We find problems sooner, as you code.

ZeroIn Software focuses on advising businesses in information technology and the best way to utilize it in order to meet customer business objectives. In addition to providing advice, we often estimate, manage, implement, deploy, and administer IT systems on businesses’ behalf.

General Frameworks and libraries
Spring (MVC, Security, Data, AOP, Inversion of control container, Transaction management, Batch), Apache Commons, Apache Camel

Test Automation
JUnit, Mockito, EasyMock, TestNG, JMeter, Selenium/Web Driver, XML2Selenium, DBUnit, HttpUnit, Appium

Systems and technologies build and Continuous Integration
Apache Maven, Apache Ant, Jenkins, Hudson, CruiseControl, Make, Batch, TeamCity, CloudBees

ORM & Persistence libraries and technologies
Hibernate, EclipseLink, Spring Data, MyBatis, Java Persistence API (JPA)

Database management systems
SQL/NoSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, FoxPro, Paradox, Cassandra

Big data analyses and cloud computing
Apache Hadoop, Apache Mahout (machine learning), Amazon Web Services (API, EC2, S3, EMR, etc.)

We are always glad to interact with you!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us: